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亚太部分(除新西兰外)的小说考的是Elizabeth Gaskell的North and South节选片段。文章分两个场景,前半部分是儿子John和母亲Mrs. Thornton之间的对话,儿子想要母亲去帮他拜访一个老师,母亲觉得没什么必要。对话中体现出母子比较和谐,彼此关爱。中间引入了一段性格和关系描述,提到母亲和儿子的性格比较坚韧,而女儿比较软弱,并且母亲因为女儿的软弱有既恨铁不成钢但又温柔怜悯的情绪。第二个场景是女儿Fanny和母亲Mrs. Thornton的对话,女儿不想出门颠簸,不愿与母亲一起坐马车出门,母亲随之陷入思考。内容总体层次分明,词汇和语句难读中等,中间心理活动部分有一个较难的长句,但基本可以根据主干与名词把握出母亲心理想法的大致含义。


Mr. Thornton had had some difficulty in working up his mother to the desired point of civility. She did not often make calls; and when she did, it was in heavy state that she went through her duties. Her son had given her a carriage; but she refused to let him keep horses for it; they were hired for the solemn occasions,when she paid morning or evening visits. She had hadhorses for three days, not a fortnight before, and had comfortably ‘killed off’ all her acquaintances, who might now put themselves to trouble and expense in their turn. Yet Crampton was too far off for her to walk; and she had repeatedly questioned her son as to whether his wish that she should call on the Hales was strong enough to bear the expense of cab hire. She would have been thankful if it had not; for, as she said,”she saw no use in making up friendships and intimacies with all the teachers and masters in Milton;why, he would be wanting her to call on Fanny’sdancing-master’s wife, the next thing!” “And so I would, mother, if Mr. Mason and his wife were friend less in a strange place, like the Hales.”

“Oh! You need not speak so hastily. I am going tomorrow. I only wanted you exactly to understand about it.” “If you are going tomorrow, I shall order horses.”

“Nonsense, John. One would think you were made of money.”

“Not quite, yet. But about the horses I’m determined. The last time you were out in a cab, you came home with a headache from the jolting.”

“I never complained of it, I’m sure.”

“No. My mother is not given to complaints,” said he, a little proudly, “But so much the more I have to watch over you, Now as for Fanny there, a little hardship would do her good.”

“She is not made of the same stuff as you are, John.

She could not bear it.” Mrs. Thornton was silent after this; for her last words bore relation to a subject which mortified her. She had an unconscious contempt for a weak character and Fanny was weak in the very points in which her mother and brother were strong. Mrs.Thornton was not a woman much given to reasoning;her quick judgment and firm resolution served her in good stead of any long arguments and discussions with herself; she felt instinctively that nothing could strengthen Fanny to endure hardships patiently, or face difficulties bravely; and though she winced as she made this acknowledgment to herself about her daughter, it only gave her a kind of pitying tenderness of manner towards her; much of the same description of demeanour with which mothers are wont to treat their weak and sickly children. A stranger, a careless observer might have considered that Mrs. Thornton’s manner to her children betokened far more love to Fanny than to John. But such a one would have been deeply mistaken. The very daringness with which mother and son spoke out unpalatable truths, the one to the other, showed a reliance op the firm centre of each other’ s souls, which the uneasy tenderness of Mrs.Thornton’s manner to her daughter, the shame with which she thought to hide the poverty of her child in all the grand qualities which she herself possessed unconsciously, and which she set so high a value upon in others- this shame, I say, betrayed the want of a secure resting-place for her affection. She never called her son by any name but John; “love,” and “dear,” and such like terms, were reserved for Fanny. But her heart gave thanks for him day and night; and she walked proudly among women for his sake.

 “Fanny dear I shall have horses to the carriage today, to go and call on these Hales. Should not you go and see nurse? It’s in the same direction, and she’s always so glad to see you. You could go on there while I am at Mrs. Hale’s.”

“Oh! Mamma, it’s such a long way, and I am so tired.” “With what?” asked Mrs. Thornton, her brow slightly contracting.

“I don’t know – the weather, I think. It is so relaxing. Couldn’t you bring nurse here, mamma? The carriage could fetch her, and she could spend the rest of the day here, which I know she would like.”

Mrs. Thornton did not speak; but she laid her work on the table, and seemed to think.

 北美地区的小说考的是Helen Oyeyeml的The lcarus Girl的节选片段。8岁的小女孩Jessamy从英国长途跋涉来到尼日利亚第一次见到她妈妈的家人。一上来的场景就是Jess与自己祖父见面的场景,她由于没见过祖父比较紧张和恐惧,祖父唤她的另一个名字她还比较陌生,慢慢才对祖父的印象加深。后文也有描写到各个家庭成员以及详细介绍了祖父的样子。


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让步的目的就很明显了:为了让文章更容易被读者接受,因为作者知道这是一个高科技的时代,大多数的读者都是技术拥护者(technocrats),所以如果作者直接炮轰innovations的话,一定会遭来反对。但是让步之后,作者又通过一个案例来说明innovations带来的风险,让读者反思innovations的利弊,从而引出后文的 ……

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此处可以分析的重点可以是word choice — potentially catastrophic。文字功底还不错的同学应该了解catastrophe通常是指“突如其来的灾难”,而且是比较暗中的灾难。结合第二段的例子,potentially catastrophic的选词可以给读者焦虑感。

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考情回顾 | 3月SAT考情回顾附亚太地区作文精析!

此处的算是appeal to authority。而后面罗列的一些骇客可以攻击的物品“baby monitors, thermostats and security cameras”都是人们日常生活中常常使用的东西,尤其是baby monitors和security cameras是保障小孩和大人安全的东西。这些保障人们安全的东西都存在被骇客侵袭的风险,这无疑增加了人们的恐惧感。

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但分析这个比喻的前提是你需要掌握一个背景知识:aspirin是美国人常用的一种药物(其实不是抗生素),很多人依赖于这种药,但是这种药对于vey ill patient来说,只能缓解暂时的疼痛,却无法根本解决问题。

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考情回顾 | 3月SAT考情回顾附亚太地区作文精析!
